Place Design Group is working closely with Mackay Regional Council to create a series of placemaking initiatives and activations to attract and engage users to the waterfront.
3D Visualisation
Landscape Architecture
Mackay Regional Council
A lively pedestrian and cycle friendly place
An old service road is being transformed into a lively pedestrian and cycle friendly place with greenspace, colourful surface treatments, sculptural play and tropical planting. The project’s centrepiece is a public pavilion, constructed using old hardwood salvaged from a demolished wharf shed. Remnant pylons protruding from the river bed will be illuminated to
celebrate the site’s wharf history. The project has an intended 5-10 year life span, after which time it is anticipated that major redevelopment of adjacent sites would give rise to the sort of long term public realm
improvements envisaged in the Mackay Waterfront PDA Master Plan.
This transformational public realm will bring people back to Mackay’s historic river edge, showcasing the potential of the Mackay Waterfront PDA and ultimately stimulate new investment opportunities celebrate the site’s wharf history. The project has an intended 5-10 year life span, after which time it is anticipated that major redevelopment of adjacent sites would give rise to the sort of long term public realm improvements envisaged in the Mackay Waterfront PDA Master Plan.