Behind every great place is a strategy, a vision, a defined intent, and a wealth of data. The integration of these elements informs a decision making framework that ensures a cohesive and integrated approach to placemaking, public realm and built form.
Our team offers one simple point of difference – we don’t work in isolation from our clients and communities, we work with them. Through collaboration and by harnessing the combined insights of stakeholders and the community, we can ensure our consultation and engagement program is focused on creating great outcomes. Engagement activities may include:
Online Engagement
Community Pop-up
Q&A Panel Event
Placemaking Vision Workshops
Youth Design Corner
Vox Pop Engagement Video
Focus Group
Cultural Awareness Tour
More than ever, information is being shared across digital platforms, altering the traditional dynamics of visual communication. Shifting to stay ahead and meet the expectations of a changing society is key to more accessible, diverse, and digital experiences. Digital tools for engagement activities may include:
Social Media
Video & Motion
Online Workshops
AI Empowered Design